Blog Purpose

Hello! I am glad you are here. If you're anything like me, the choice of detective or crime shows and movies is sometimes overwhelming. So many things to see, so little time! For quite a while now, I've been looking for a place where I can get recommendations - somebody who likes the same shows I do, who values character development over car chase scenes, credibility of plot over perfect teeth. Since I could not find one, I figured I'd start one myself. If you've been looking for a page that reviews or recommends shows, without giving too much away, you're in the right spot! Below each review, you will find links to Amazon products that are relevant to the show. Most often, these will be DVDs, movies or books, but also props, items or food: my eye tends to catch things I like so I look them up online. 

Channels like Acorn or Britbox don't always have all the shows at hand, so if you've missed out on a series but still want to see it, you may be able to do so through one of the links on the bottom of the review. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, and your help will be greatly appreciated! However, it doesn't mean you HAVE to click there - I just want to let you know. So, if you like British or European detective shows, don't particularly want to see nasty violence but are more interested in the plot or character development, if you just want to watch a show without having to sift through oodles of material, this site may be just for you. Happy watching!!! 

